Our Approach
How it all began
The Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development (CHILD) was born out of a desire to give all children in Singapore the best start to life and to help them develop optimally as they grow up. By leveraging extensive advances in science and strong, evidence-based practices, we can help guide public policies and interventions to improve the emotional, cognitive and social outcomes for all children.
Much of the work that CHILD is able to do today is a direct result of the Growing Up in Singapore Towards healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) study, which many of the centre’s leads and members are involved with. The landmark study, which for more than a decade has gathered valuable data about how conditions in pregnancy and early childhood influences maternal mental health and child neurodevelopment, relies heavily on the collaborative efforts of numerous local and overseas researchers representing institutions such as the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS), the National University Hospital (NUH), KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and A*STAR Institute for Human Development and Potential (A*STAR IHDP).
Today, the detailed, longitudinal observations and samples that have been collected from this birth cohort study are proving to be an invaluable source of knowledge for improving the health and potential of Singaporeans right from the start of life. These insights provide the evidence and illuminate the gaps that CHILD will undertake to address by working with community partners to co-design and implement evidence-based interventions for children and families.
Working together in close collaboration
CHILD was established in August 2020 in the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (NUS Medicine), Singapore’s first and premier medical school, and a leading medical educational and research institution in Asia. It was started together with one of Singapore’s most progressive philanthropic organisations, known for its radical approach to tackle problems at its roots, the Lien Foundation, which provided the centre with a generous endowment.
CHILD enjoys close access to a network of hospitals and polyclinics, and by extension, their invaluable clinical and medical expertise. CHILD seeks to work with all parties in the early childhood space to give children the best start to life.
To complement and strengthen the work of CHILD, we also have as strategic core partners – the Centre for Evidence and Implementation (CEI), the National University Hospital and the A*STAR Institute for Human Development and Potential (A*STAR IHDP), who bring with them world-class expertise in translational research and implementation science.
Our Purpose
Helping every family to give their children the best start to life
Our purpose is to help children develop with optimal capacity, and progress through life unencumbered by preventable disadvantages arising early in their lives.
We aim to improve the lives of children and families in Singapore, especially those who are vulnerable. Our focus is on the emotional, cognitive, and social well-being of children from conception to early primary school years.
We are committed to supporting children and families in a way that is informed by evidence and data that are directly relevant to the Singapore context, and beyond.
We will be purposeful innovators and thought leaders. Our aim is to drive significant changes in this space in close partnership with other academic institutions, government bodies, community organisations, social service agencies, school operators and other private groups (e.g. foundations) for the benefit of children-at-risk.
Our Purpose
Helping every family to give their children the best start to life.
Our purpose is to help children develop with optimal capacity, and progress through life unencumbered by preventable disadvantages arising early in their lives.
We aim to improve the lives of children and families in Singapore, especially those who are vulnerable. Our focus is on the emotional, cognitive, and social well-being of children from conception to early primary school years.
We are committed to supporting children and families in a way that is informed by evidence and data that are directly relevant to the Singapore context, and beyond.
We will be purposeful innovators and thought leaders. Our aim is to drive significant changes in this space in close partnership with other academic institutions, government bodies, community organisations, social service agencies, school operators and other private groups (e.g. foundations) for the benefit of children-at-risk.
Our Philosophy
Each child holds unique gifts and abilities that enable them to become purposeful individuals that contribute to, and impact society. Unfortunately, early childhood is also a time when significant risks relating to health, education and family environment can impede the child’s development. We believe that by making the best science in early childhood development accessible and actionable to policymakers and social service organisations, every child will have the chance to realise their full potential.
We adopt a holistic view towards child development, focusing on a child’s physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs. We want to break down the traditional siloed roles of academic, policymaking, and service-delivery and move towards an integrative and collaborative approach. We want to help integrate and implement the best evidence that is unique to the needs of children and families in their specific communities, in Singapore and beyond.
We believe that research and innovations, advocacy, services and programmes related to child development should be backed by evidence and guided by data directly relevant to Singapore’s culture and context.
As such, we will use co-production, evidence synthesis and implementation science to inform the design and evaluation of interventions, policies and guidelines to ensure the best possible outcomes for all key stakeholders – from policymakers and social service agencies, to children and their families.
We believe that the whole of society has an essential role to play in the development of our children. Research has shown that parents, families, schools, communities and governments all have a role to play in nurturing the young. It is by working collaboratively and deliberately as a team that will enable us to drive significant change to benefit Singapore’s children.