
Resources & Publications


CHILD strives to present scientific information in a user-friendly way to a wide range of readers.


This series of publications is the latest synthesis of the best available global and local research evidence on practices to inform early childhood stakeholders and decision makers.


These shorts reads are designed to engage, educate, and raise public awareness on science related topics that are impactful in child development.

The Role of Fathers in Early Child Development
April 2024

Globally, studies have highlighted the benefits to mothers and newborns associated with fathers’ involvement during pregnancy, birth, and the early postpartum period. The involvement of fathers in their children’s early years yields substantial benefits, including health, socioemotional, and cognitive development. In this Evidence Insight, we discuss the significant impacts the role of fathers play during early childhood, and the possible barriers that may prevent their optimal involvement.

English, Chinese and Spanish versions are available here.

Suggested Citation: Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development (2024). The Role of Fathers in Early Child Development (Evidence Insight). Retrieved from

建议引用: 儿童整体学习与发展中心 (2024 年). 父亲在儿童早期发展中的作用 (论据剖析). 取自

The Importance of Caregiver Sensitivity for Children’s Development
August 2023

Caregiver sensitivity reflects the extent to which caregivers understand, react and respond to children’s behavioural cues, particularly when the child is distressed. In this Evidence Insight, a caregiver refers to an adult who provides care for a specific infant or young child, and to whom the child has an emotional connection. This article discusses the positive impacts of caregiver sensitivity and the factors hindering a caregivers’ ability to engage in sensitive caregiving behaviours.

Suggested Citation: Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development (2023). The Importance of Caregiver Sensitivity for Children’s Development (Evidence Insight). Retrieved from

Caregiver Play – It’s not just child’s play: The importance of caregivers’ play with children
May 2023

Play between a caregiver and child in the early years creates opportunities to establish a trusting relationship and lays the foundation for healthy child growth and development. Through play, caregivers can help their children to learn and make sense of the world around them with fun, positive and meaningful engagement. This article delves into the importance of caregivers’ play with children and introduces the different factors constituting good-quality play.

Suggested Citation: Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development (2022).  Caregiver Play – It’s not just child’s play: The importance of caregivers’ play with children (Evidence Insight).  Retrieved from

Healthy Sleep Habits in Children and Adolescents: Why Do They Matter and What Can We Do?
Nov 2022

Sleep – both its quantity and quality – plays an important role in a child’s development. Sufficient sleep of good quality is linked to optimal brain function in children, impacting memory, language and executive function, (cognitive skills required for self-regulation and goal-directed behavior). This article presents research supporting how sleep deprivation can affect the physical health, mental wellbeing and cognitive performance in children and adolescents, and how the health and education sectors have critical roles to play in encouraging and raising awareness of the importance of good sleep practices in childhood.

Suggested Citation: Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development (2022).  Healthy Sleep Habits in Children and Adolescents: Why Do They Matter and What Can We Do? (Evidence Insight).  Retrieved from

Eating Behaviours in Childhood: Why They Matter and What Can We Do?
Oct 2021

Childhood obesity is a public health concern in numerous public health initiatives worldwide and is also a key concern in Singapore as childhood obesity tends to persist into adulthood and is associated with a variety of chronic health conditions.  This article suggests strategies to prevent childhood overweight and obesity in Singapore by targeting children’s eating behaviours early in life to reduce the impact of early life risk factors.

Suggested Citation: Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development (2021). Eating Behaviours in Childhood: Why They Matter and What Can We Do? (Evidence Insight). Retrieved from

Impact of Screen Viewing during Early Years on Cognitive Development
July 2021

Research has shown that high levels of screen time during early childhood may have adverse impact on a child’s development. This article explores how high amounts of unsupervised passive screen viewing can impact a child’s cognitive development, language skills and other important outcomes. Recommendations made draw upon evidence from Growing Up in Singapore Towards healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) and other similar research studies.

Suggested Citation: Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development (2021).  Impact of Screen Viewing during Early Years on Cognitive Development (Evidence Insight). Retrieved from

Maternal Mental Health and Well-being during Pregnancy Linked to Brain Development and Function in Children
April 2021

Research has shown that distress during pregnancy, even at mild to moderate levels, can negatively impact upon a child’s cognitive and emotional development. This article explores how maternal mental health impacts the development of a child’s “executive functions” such as memory, attention and language ability, and how interventions as early as pre-conception can give them the best chance to progress in life.

Suggested Citation: Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development (2021). Maternal Mental Health and Well-being during Pregnancy Linked to Brain Development and Function in Children (Evidence Insight). Retrieved from